Determining Your Body Shape

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If you find yourself asking the question “what is my body shape?” what looks good on me?” then continue reading because I have the answers.

We are all born with our own unique bodies and special features. Even features that we especially like. I know there are some features that you are not a fan of. That is why it is important for you to know what your body shape is. You are the one in charge of choosing your clothes and styles for you. More importantly ones that make you look awesome and showcase your personality and who you are and what you want the world know.

Over the course of my next few blogs you will learn how to determine your body shape, know what your shape is and find out what looks good on you but also what to avoid.

You will need to start with the following, if you did not follow my previous post Fashion for your Body Proportions. To figure out just your body shape you do not need to follow the five steps below.

  1. Wear tight fitting black body suit or top with tight leggings.
  2. Take a photo of yourself with your camera and make sure you are square to the camera and you have the top of your head and feet in the picture.
  3. Cut the paper off across the top of your head, then across at the bottom in line with the heel of your feet.
  4. Fold the paper in half, then again in half and one more time – 3 folds!
  5. Open it up and you should have 8 sections. (don’t count my top and bottom sections. I just did not cut them off.)

Mark dots at each of your shoulder points- that is the tip of your shoulders, then one at each side of your wait and each side of your hips. Now connect the dots. Look at what shape it creates!

This model is an Hour-Glass shape. The other possible shapes are Triangle, Inverted Triangle, Rectangle, Round or Diamond. These are the basic categories of shapes that most of our body types can be classified into.

Embed from Getty Images

Continue to read my blog, I will showcase what looks great on your body type and what items to avoid to be the best you can be!

Next post we will delve into those hour glass shaped women and what looks good on you!

Let me know what you discovered. It turns out that I am a combo Rectangle and Inverted Triangle!